
Torque Talk – Belle Moss, Director

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What do you love most about your chosen career?

Even after (quite a lot) more than two decades in communications, I still love the creativity that the industry allows you.  Coming up with marketing strategies or staring at a blank piece of paper and crafting words to express a concept, or get people excited about a new product – that’s fun!

I also love that I get to work with such genuinely lovely people, my own team are amazing, supportive, clever and funny individuals and the benefit of having been around for so long is that many of the relationships I have with clients or journalists go back a really long way.

What’s the one kind of food you can’t live without?

Chocolate!  I have such a sweet tooth, much to my dismay. I am a complete chocolate-fiend to the point that nothing is safe in my house, I have no boundaries – if it’s there, I’m eating it.

What’s your go-to activity in your free time?

I’ve recently developed a love of running – which is still a mystery to me as I’ve actively loathed it up until this point.  Needing to get out in lockdown and realising what a great exercise it is for mental health as well as physical has been a real eye opener.  I try to get out three times a week if I can but compared to some of my super fit Torque colleagues – I’m an absolute amateur!

Who is your inspirational figure? 

I’ll have to have two I’m afraid – the Obamas. Both so incredibly inspirational for their intellect, drive and leadership as well as their kindness, empathy, and passion.  Some of Barak Obamas speeches were the best I’ve ever heard (so kudos to his speech writers too).

Top three movies of all time?

Wow that’s a tricky one, for wildly different reasons there are a few films I watch again and again..

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation because it’s just not Christmas without Chevy Chase and his insane family. It’s a Wonderful Life because it’s just the perfect feel-good film and all the Pitch Perfect films because my daughter and I love watching them together.

What’s the one skill you’d love to learn

Unfortunately, it’s a skill that can’t be taught – I would just love to be able to sing and join a choir.  Luckily for all concerned I’m very aware of the fact that I’m completely tone-deaf – so in-car warbling is as far as I go.

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